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At Chiesi, we develop your skills and strengthen our teams for our mutual success.

Unleash your superpowers: learning and leadership at Chiesi


Our offer for the personal development of our employees is based on the Chiesi vision, our leadership principles and the principles of the Chiesi values. We support our employees in finding and developing their own personal superpowers. In doing so, we follow the 70-20-10 principle of learning:

⚬ 70% of our skills are acquired through self-directed learning on the job.
⚬ 20% we learn from colleagues, coaches and mentors in so-called “social learning”.
⚬ 10% of our skills are acquired in traditional training programs.

Only with an awareness of this can competence development be sustainable, practical and successful: this idea is reflected in all our approaches.

Leadership Karriereseite Chiesi Pink


Managers at Chiesi have the task of strengthening teams in their self-efficacy by establishing a supportive and inspiring leadership culture based on shared values and a common understanding of leadership.

Strong teams are the basis for successful collaboration and the long-term success of the company. The formation of an empowered team is based on creating a trusting and cooperative environment in which every team member feels valued and integrated.

Through three face-to-face leadership camps per year, where all managers come together, monthly virtual meetings and individual leadership trails, the leadership community comes together to exchange ideas, learn from each other and support each other in their day-to-day management and development.

Learning Karriereseite_Chiesi Pink



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