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Service for Patients

Dear Patients,


Our guides provide a great deal of useful information about asthma, allergies, transplants and mucoviscidosis for interested parties and those affected by these conditions. In addition, you can also find addresses for self-help groups, healthcare portals and more under the "Links" menu.


If you want to report an adverse drug reaction, please find out how to proceed here. If you have any general questions about our products, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Best regards


Your Chiesi Team

Asthma guide
One of Chiesi GmbH’s main areas of focus is on providing medications to treat respiratory...
Allergy guide
Allergy – a widespread illness Allergies are widespread. Virtually everyone knows somebody...
Cystic Fibrosis guide
Cystic fibrosis is the most common congenital metabolic disease that is currently incurable. Those...
Transplant Guide
Anyone who has had a kidney or liver transplant often has to find their way around in everyday life...
Guide COPD
COPD is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that affects approximately five to ten percent of...
Neonatology Guide
Eltern von frühgeborenen Babys benötigen vielseitige Unterstützung, weit über...